• COLLIBRI-web-boxes

Projects and output

Important information regarding projects

  • Projects (using individual data or via early access to summary data) should be discussed and approved by the COLLIBRI steering group before analyses are initiated
  • Proposals are to be submitted to the chair of the steering committee using the COLLIBRI study proposal template
  • Potential conflicts with other manuscripts within COLLIBRI should be resolved by a COLLIBRI steering committee in the first instance

Results from COLLIBRI projects

  • Summary statistics should be released to the COLLIBRI partners who contributed to a specific project as soon as it is completed
  • Results from COLLIBRI analyses will be made publicly available in due course, through publications
  • The consortium will strive to make the summary data available upon publication of a manuscript using an unrestricted repository. However, specific solutions such as storage of summary data on secure servers managed by a COLLIBRI PI, with restricted logins, may be considered whenever needed

Regulations on publications & authorships

  • A publication will be developed (may be modified, based on the results)
  • Publications should be prepared and submitted as rapidly as possible after results have been reviewed and confirmed
  • The ICMJE criteria for authorships will be followed:
    • substantial contributions to the concept or design; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the data; AND
    • drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
    • final approval of the version to be published; AND
    • agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work