Complete human protein biomarkers list for Olink Target

The total number of different assays for human protein biomarkers currently available via our 15 human Olink® Target 96 and Olink® Target 48 panels  = 1162 – with more to come! You can search the complete list here, or alternatively, see all the biomarkers available in a specific panel by going to the individual panel product page (using the links in the navigation to the left).  You can use the search function below to look for both human and mouse biomarkers – search results are displayed in different tabs for the different species.

Search protein biomarker assays

Use the search function to search for you protein of interest. Results will be displayed by default for the current assays offered in our Olink Target 96/48 panels. Note that related search results of other types (Olink Explore, web page content etc) can be viewed by clicking the respective tabs that will display.

Protein wishlist

If you would like to suggest an assay that is not currently available in our library as an idea for future development, please submit your suggestion through our wishlist suggestion form.

More information about our protein biomarkers

The pages for our protein biomarkers linked to below include calibrator curves that show the performance of each assay with the estimated sensitivity and dynamic range parameters indicated. These curves are generated during the assay validation process using recombinant antigens, with data presented as Normalized Protein eXpression (NPX) values plotted against protein concentration (in pg/mL). Please note that when analyzing biological samples the data generated will be given in the form of relative quantification (NPX values) and cannot be converted to absolute protein concentrations. For more info about NPX measurements, please view the FAQ.

Nomenclature of protein biomarkers

Note on nomenclature: where proteins have multiple synonyms, the long and short names given below are generally those recommended by Uniprot. To see all of the synonyms that may apply to a given marker, visit the Uniprot website and search using the unique Uniprot ID number listed for the protein.